Admittedly there’s a lot going on in the world right now.  Between hurricanes, earthquakes and several political hotbeds, it can feel like things are spinning dangerously out of control.

In fact, the general lack of confidence in both the economy and mankind affects decisions that each of us makes every day.  Sometimes our conservative approach in times like these plays out well for us but in other cases, we may have been better served by simply putting one foot in front of the other and carrying on with the confidence we always have.

Take the housing market for example.  With talk of rising interest rates and limited inventory, some buyers have decided to table their searches until next year.  While none of us has a crystal ball,  a recent article in the Chicago Tribune entitled, “Should you buy a home in 2017? Here’s what 3 experts say” offers some interesting perspective.  In the article, “a financial planner, a broker and a professor — say if you’re financially stable, it’s best to strike before the year is out.”

The article goes on to share some of the wrong reasons people wait to pull the trigger on a new home and also offers some updated advice for those in the market.  Ultimately only you can decide the best approach for you, but if buying your first home or up-sizing to something for a growing family is on your radar, I think you’ll find this article a good read at the very least!

And if you decide to take the experts advice and jump into the housing market, don’t forget to consider an independent third party home inspection before you close on the property.  Still on the fence about a home inspection? You might also enjoy our earlier post, “Are Home Inspections Worth the Money?”